Thursday 13 June 2013

1. Just another day.

And just another day it is. 2nd drizzly day in a row and nothing much going on.

No metal detecting this evening I don't think. But look, here's the sun out for a moment, maybe there's hope... Would love to get out on the field again. I intend to do what I should have done the first time, which is hug the road and house all the way round to the old gate. If that fails have a look at the fallen tree area. If I don't get down tonight I'll try over the weekend.

Still reading Gone Girl. I've heard the ending is a let down, but for me that's really pretty much secondary to the fun insights into the way people think about other people when in a long term couple. I like that fact that in a work of fiction a writer can openly state the way things are and that people never really admit to. I'm tired of saying such things and feeling like a loon, so it's nice to see other people admitting these feelings. Ah, if only people were always so open.

House to self again tonight. Last night for some time I'm guessing. It's great but it's also very quiet.